Effect of oxalic acid on the mite Varroa destructor
Here, we study the effect of oxalic acid on isolated varroa mites and on varroa mites parasitizing caged honey bees treated with oxalic acid per os or topically (by trickling or by sublimation). |
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28-04-2017 |
Effect of repeated intakes of neonicotinoids on the foraging behaviours of Apis mellifera
Evaluating the effects of neonicotinoids on forager bees in conditions as near as possible to those in nature presents a big but necessary challenge. |
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06-09-2023 |
Effect of stinglessbee honey in selenite induced cataracts
Melipona favosa favosa is reputed to produce an anticataract honey. Ocular cataracts are opacifications of the ocular lenses. The senile cataract is considered as belonging to public health. Other etiologies comprise diabetes, UV radiation, traumatisms. In this work we used the selenite model to induce cataracts in rats, and to test the effect of Melipona honey eye drops. |
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04-09-2002 |
Effect of virgin queens storage on their survival rate
Virgin honeybee queens, were held in the centre of brood nest of both queenless and queenright strong colonies using two types of cages and fed by workers through a wire screen holes, emerging cage (EC) with two wire screen sides and Benton cage (BC) with one side of wire screen |
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04-10-2016 |
Effect sublethal pesticide exposure on honeybee longevity
When worker honey bees, Apis mellifera L., were exposed to sublethal pesticide concentrations, the majority of tests revealed no significant differences between control and treatment groups in the ages when tasks were conducted. |
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31-01-1986 |
Effectiveness of agri-environmental measures in mitigating pollinator loss
In Europe, agri-environmental schemes (AES) have been introduced in response to concerns about farmland biodiversity declines. |
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22-09-2013 |
Effects of Imidacloprid on honey bees
Indirect effects: stop of egg laying nicotinoids, aggressiveness, reduce of orientation ability, reduce of hygienic behaviour, reduce of memory ability, hypothermia, brood intoxication, reduce of productivity, reduce function of the heart, glands, damage in parts of the bee brain. |
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31-05-2012 |
Effects of Insect Growth Regulators on the Survival of Foragers
We simulated field exposure of honey bees to these pesticides during aerial application in almond orchards by using a wind tunnel and atomizer set up. |
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29-01-2018 |
Effects of Long Distance Transportation on Honey Bee Physiology
Despite the requirement of long distance transportation of honey bees used for pollination, we understand little how transportation affects honey bees. Three trials in three different states (CA, GA, and MI) were conducted to study the effects of long distance transportation on honey bee physiology. |
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24-04-2012 |
Effects of Oxalic Acid on Apis mellifera
Oxalic acid dihydrate is used to treat varroosis of Apis mellifera. This study investigates lethal and sublethal effects of oxalic acid dihydrate on individually treated honeybees kept in cages under laboratory conditions as well as the distribution in the colony. |
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07-08-2017 |