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of bees!

Invaluable source of information and services for all bee enthusiasts



Thanks to the indefatigable pollinating bees, beekeeping plays an essential role both in terms of agricultural yields and the maintenance of plant and tree biodiversity throughout the world. Scientists all agree that 35% of our food worldwide is dependent on their work! In addition bees provide different honeys as food supplements but also noble products used in apitherapy such as pollen, royal jelly, propolis, venom and wax. Via this website, the world's No. 1 portal for the apicultural sector, Apiservices offers beginner's articles, thousands of papers for professionals, scientific papers on the impact of pesticides on bees and databases on all topics related to bees, apiary techniques, treatments against apiary diseases, tricks against predators. Also listed are the coordinates of over a hundred beekeeping equipment suppliers for apiaries and honeyhouses, bee products, populated colonies, package bees and queens, veterinary drugs, service providers, apiculture trade unions and others. Welcome everybody!

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The EBA wants to cooperate with everyone, therefore we are joining Apimondia immedi-ately, and we want to connect the entire European continent (not just the EU) and all bee-keepers, regardless of their country of origin and the size of their beekeeping practice.

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BeeLife just became a member of the newly established Honey Platform, an Expert Group of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development.

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The One Health approach recognizes the interconnectedness between human, animal, and environmental health.

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The European Union (EU) therefore evaluates and controls the risks posed by pesticides by regulating their authorisation through the science-based Risk Assessment process.

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The EBA wants to cooperate with everyone, therefore we are joining Apimondia immedi-ately, and we want to connect the entire European continent (not just the EU) and all bee-keepers, regardless of their country of origin and the size of their beekeeping practice.

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The EBA wants to cooperate with everyone, therefore we are joining Apimondia immedi-ately, and we want to connect the entire European continent (not just the EU) and all bee-keepers, regardless of their country of origin and the size of their beekeeping practice.

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The EBA wants to cooperate with everyone, therefore we are joining Apimondia immedi-ately, and we want to connect the entire European continent (not just the EU) and all bee-keepers, regardless of their country of origin and the size of their beekeeping practice.

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Here we present the first large-scale standardized survey of colony losses of managed honey bees and stingless bees across Latin America.

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Owing to its systemic mode-of-action and ease of application, lithium chloride (LiCl) is an ideal varroacide for the control of Varroa destructor infestations in honey bee colonies.

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In the early 1980's the infamous Africanised honeybees, or killer bees, were spreading through South America.

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Varroa destructor is considered as the causal agent of the most severe parasitosis of the honey bee.

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When it comes to invasive species in beekeeping (not including Varroa mite which invaded Europe a long time ago), we think about small hive beetle, the yellow leg Asian hornet and the tropilelaelaps mite.

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EU remains second world producer (~285 000 tons, 2022) after China.

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Hedgerows in mid-February might have traditionally appeared white with snow; this year the white was the work of blackthorn blossoms – a harbinger of spring.

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