Effects of age, season and genetics on semen and sperm production in Apis mellifera drones
Adult drone honey bees from 4 Australian breeding lines were reared under similar conditions and examined for semen and sperm production when 14, 21 and 35 days old, during spring, summer and autumn. Almost half (40.5%) of all drones examined did not release any semen when manually everted. |
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20-01-2010 |
Effects of almond protection fungicides on honeybee
The honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) contributes $17 billion annually to the United States economy, primarily by pollinating major agricultural crops including almond, which is completely dependent on honey bee pollination for nut set. |
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04-01-2017 |
Effects of different artificial diets on commercial honey bee colony performance
The effects of different artificial diets in northern California, when supplemental nutrition is used to stimulate late winter colony growth for pollination. |
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02-01-2022 |
Effects of lithium on locomotor activity and circadian rhythm of honey bees
Lithium has been considered a potential acaricidal agent against the honey bee (Apis mellifera) parasite Varroa. |
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29-12-2023 |
Effects of pollen dilution on infection of Nosema ceranae in honey bees
Among honey bee pathogens, Nosema ceranae is a microsporidian found parasitizing the western honey bee relatively recently. |
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21-01-2016 |
Effects of sublethal doses of clothianidin on honeybee
The interaction between sublethal doses of a neurotoxin, clothianidin, and the ectoparasite, Varroa destructor, was examined by measuring differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in brains, deformed wing virus (DWV) and the proportion and intensity of self-grooming. |
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26-03-2019 |
Effects temperature and precipitation on honeybee winter mortality
Insect pollinators are essential to global food production. For this reason, it is alarming that honey bee (Apis mellifera) populations across the world have recently seen increased rates of mortality. |
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02-12-2016 |
Efficacy of Thymovar® and Oxuvar® in Varroa destructor control in Iran
arroa destructor was first found in Iran in the 1980s and for four decades Iranian beekeepers have had to deal with this mite. Various treatments were evaluated and pyrethroids (Apistan®, Bayvarol® became the most popular. |
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21-06-2020 |
Efficacy of propolis as an adjunct treatment for hospitalized COVID-19 patients
Among candidate treatment options for COVID-19, propolis, produced by honey bees from bioactive plant exudates, has shown potential against viral targets and has demonstrated immunoregulatory properties. |
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09-02-2021 |
Elevated recapping behaviour and reduced Varroa destructor reproduction
Varroa destructor mites remain a major threat to Apis mellifera honey bees, yet many populations across the world have naturally evolved survivorship to infestation. |
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10-02-2021 |