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Every good bee-keeper's wish is to have healthy and strong bee colonies to bring him/her a lot of honey. And he/she wants to produce honey of the best quality to be offered to his/her customers.
Dr Fani Hatjina obtained her PhD in Cardiff and made much use of the IBRA library during her studies.
How works ISO standards for the bee products like honey, royal jelly, pollen, propolis, etc. Country members, decisions, official texts.
Even in sublethal doses, Imidacloprid led to severe bioelement malnutrition in 69% of bioelements and to a stoichiometric mismatch in the others.
Most studies that have shown negative sublethal effects of the pesticide imidacloprid on honeybees concern behavioral effects; only a few concern physiological effects.
Imidacloprid is a chloronicotinyl insecticide which interacts with insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.
A field spray drift experiment using florpyrauxifen-benzyl to measure drift from commercial ground and aerial applications, evaluate soybean impacts
Here we examine the possible effects of honey bees on the foraging behaviour of wild bees on Cistus creticus flowers in Northern Greece.
Honey bees are globally regarded as important crop pollinators and are also valued for their honey production. They have been introduced on an almost worldwide scale.
The queen is the sole reproductive female in a healthy colony, and because long-term colony survival depends on her ability to produce a large number of offspring, queen health is essential for colony success.
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