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Bees and other insects have survived and evolved complex immune system on this planet over a span of millions of years. It is not logical that they would suddenly die out now due to diseases and natural parasites. This suggests another factor has been introduced to their environment that disrupts their immune system. This man made factor is the mobile towers and mobile phones.
Survival rates were monitored among three honey bee subspecies under two ecological regions within Saudi Arabia
There is increasing recognition that pollination deficits are limiting crop yields world-wide. However, management strategies for optimal insect pollination are still unclear for most crops.
Worldwide, human appropriation of ecosystems is disrupting plant–pollinator communities and pollination function through habitat conversion and landscape homogenisation.
We relate 18 years of UK national wild bee distribution data for 62 species to amounts of neonicotinoid use in oilseed rape
Background: Spray adjuvants are often applied to crops in conjunction with agricultural pesticides in order to boost the efficacy of the active ingredient(s).
The adverse effects of neonicotinoids on honeybees have highlighted the importance of developing new compounds safer for bees and all pollinators.
We, the Ministers responsible for agriculture on 19 May 2018 at the International Ministerial Conference on the importance of bees and other pollinators for sustainable agriculture and food security...
Here we present the first large-scale standardized survey of colony losses of managed honey bees and stingless bees across Latin America.
Over the last quarter century, increasing honey bee colony losses motivated standardized large-scale surveys of managed honeybees, particularly in Europe and the United States.
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