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In theory, the geographical origin can be determined of any honey whose pollen has not been completely removed by filtering.
Microsporidia Nosema are transferred among bees via the faecal-oral route. Nosema spp. spores have been detected on flowers and transferred to hives along with the bee pollen.
Most pollination in large-scale agriculture is dependent on managed colonies of a single species, the honey bee Apis mellifera. More than 1 million hives are transported to California each year just to pollinate the almonds, and bees are trucked across the country for various cropping systems.
Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the “Minefields Honey” project to draw global attention to the issue of de-mining and Ukraine’s new agricultural reality
In this paper, the current knowledge on mitigation strategies to reduce pesticide inputs into surface water and groundwater, and their effectiveness when applied in practice is reviewed.
Eusocial honey bee populations (Apis mellifera) employ an age stratification organization of egg, larvae, pupae, hive bees and foraging bees.
The hazard posed to honeybees by systemic insecticides is determined by toxicity tests that are designed to study the effects of insecticides applied on the aerial parts of plants, but are not adapted to systemic substances used as soil or seed treatments.
Understanding the effect of pesticides on the survival of honeybee colonies is important because these pollinators are reportedly declining globally.
Monitoring hives in April is wonderful as much as a delicate exercise. We’re illustrating it here with three examples issued this season.
Our goal for this project is to design a sensor system that wiill be able to monitor the temperature and acoustic range of a hibernating bee hive.
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