Monitoring kiwi pollination
While pollination is necessary to produce most of the fruits and vegetables we eat, it is even more mandatory for kiwi. |
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15-08-2022 |
Monitoring the Field-Realistic Exposure of Honeybee Colonies to Neonicotinoids
Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) are excellent biosensors that can be managed to collect valuable information about environmental contamination. |
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06-01-2020 |
Monitoring the effect of imidacloprid using electronic bee counters
Honeybees exposed to very small doses of neurotoxic substances such as imidacloprid, don’t die but they present dysfunction or disorder of their nervous system, their glandular system as well as their cardiac and respiratory rhythms. |
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31-05-2012 |
Multi-dimensional modelling tools supporting decision-making for the beekeeping sector
We propose a modelling framework aiming at assessing the bee health status and forecast colony outputs. Two modelling tools are here presented: (i) a Health Status Index (HSI) exploring the consequences of abiotic, biotic drivers and beekeeping actions on bee health; and (ii) predictive models for the estimation of honey production and the provision of pollination service considering abiotic, biotic drivers and HSI. |
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22-07-2018 |
Multi-level selection for hygienic behaviour in honeybees
It is a particularly important and increasing threat to the managed honeybee colonies, which are vital in crop pollination. Artificial selection for disease-resistant honeybee genotypes has previously only been carried out at the colony-level, that is, by using queens or males reared from colonies that show resistance. |
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01-11-2009 |
Multiple routes of pesticide exposure for honey bees living near agricultural fields
Neonicotinoid insecticides, which are widely used and highly toxic to honey bees, have been found in previous analyses of honey bee pollen and comb material. However, the routes of exposure have remained largely undefined. |
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24-06-2012 |
My varroa-free Apis mellifera Experiment in the Philippines
In 1989, the lure of bees and beekeeping just would not go away. I went back to beekeeping as a hobbyist. I just intended to keep bees purely for enjoyment. |
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16-06-2003 |
Natural Varroa mite-surviving Apis mellifera honeybee populations
The Varroa destructor mite is the largest threat to apiculture worldwide and has been responsible for devastating losses of wild honeybee populations in Europe and North America. |
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06-11-2015 |
Natural diversity of the honey bee gut bacteriome
The study’s main goal was to understand the natural variability in the gut bacteriome of healthy honey bees (Apis mellifera). |
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02-09-2022 |
Negative effects of pesticides on wild bee communities can be buffered by landscape context
Given predicted global shortages in pollination services, managing agroecosystems to support thriving wild bee communities is, therefore, central to ensuring sustainable food production. |
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02-05-2015 |