Neonicotinoid seed-treated maize and wheat, threat to honeybees
The immune system of bees is influenced by a diversity of factors, some of which have changed in the last 10 years such as the application of pesticides. In addition to pollen, nectar and dust, guttated water of seed-dressed plants |
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03-01-2011 |
Neonicotinoid-ban derogations loom over France
The French government is currently exploring a risky possibility by opening the gates for banned substances' |
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06-09-2020 |
Neonicotinoid-coated maize seeds affect honeybee
Thirty-two honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies were studied in order to detect and measure potential in vivo effects of neonicotinoid pesticides used in cornfields (Zea mays spp) on honeybee health. |
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18-05-2015 |
Neonicotinoid-contaminated pollinator strips adjacent to cropland reduce honey bee nutritional status
Worldwide pollinator declines are attributed to a number of factors, including pesticide exposures. |
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19-07-2016 |
Neonicotinoids and ectoparasitic mites synergistically impact honeybees
Apis mellifera, is the most important managed pollinator globally and has recently experienced unsustainably high colony losses. Synergistic interactions among stressors are believed to be primarily responsible. |
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04-06-2019 |
Neonicotinoids and their metabolites in human biomonitoring
Despite their profound impact on honeybees and wild bees (impairment of memory, impact on immune system), their presence in humans is far less reported, possibly due to the low to moderate toxicological effects that they elicit. |
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25-12-2015 |
Neonicotinoids in bees: a review on concentrations, side-effects and risk assessment
Neonicotinoid insecticides are successfully applied to control pests in a variety of agricultural crops |
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20-02-2012 |
Neonicotinoids transference from the field to the hive by honey bees
The beehive as a quantitative monitor of pesticide residues applied over a soybean crop was studied through a semi field experiment of controlled exposure of honey bees to pesticides in macro tunnels. |
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06-06-2017 |
Neonicotinoids, safety vs. money
Bee Emergency Call: Hearing at European Court of Justice on Bayer/Syngenta vs. European Commission on the neonicotinoids ban. In the meantime, the ban is flouted as countries exploit legal loophole. |
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15-02-2017 |
New Traceability System for Beekeeping
Participation as condition for receiving government support. Money actually received by beekeepers is too insignificant. Participation as condition for placing products on the market, does not work for the many hobby beekeepers. articipation may result in valuable expert assistance from government agencies. |
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15-06-2017 |