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NEW METE technology publishing

11 Sep 2002 00:00 #20820 por
NEW METE technology publishing Publicado por
Sorry, but my english is not correct.
I and Estonian publishing house "Valgus" search publishers, who make contract ascuire
licence the publishing rights, with publish a book "My honetree" about of
METE-beekeeping in another countries and in another language. Plese give me
a note if yuo want some more information.
About of METE beekeeping.
METE–beekeeping is developed by Estonian amateur beekeeper Andres Raava
senior. The technology is based on results of research of bee-family
behaviour, cause-result analysis, through set of visibly small innovations.
The priority of the METE beekeeping technology is protected with
international patent, principles and description published in WO 88/04138
from June 16, 1988.
Difference from traditional beekeeping is not purely technical, concerning
the dimensions of beehive frames (comb foundation), but also the fundamental
concept on bee-family behaviour and new fundamentals for beekeeping. The
concept describes the organism with yet scientifically not known form,
anatomy, characteristics and fysiology. First publication of concept took
place on September 20-26, 1993 in Peking, poster-presentation PS-232 at the
XXXIII beekeeping-conference organized by APIMONDIA.
METE beekeeping does not have the problems, common for modern bee-keeping on
bee-health, swarming etc. Non-productive costs are reduced compared to
traditional technology there these costs are often caused by construction of
traditional beehives allowing bees to realize only 10%–15% of their bee and
swax production potential. This is caused by stone-aged myths on bee-family
behaviour, transformed to the concept of social honeybee colony.
Unfortunately most of theories and understandings are controversial with the
knowledge on basic biology and other nature-sciendces (chemistry, physics
etc.) and illogical.
The modernization of traditional technology may result with increase of
production costs and problems. According to market economy rules, in many
regions bee-keeping will be closed down within XXI century. Only
METE-technology may stop such developent.
Today but also possibly in next decades the implementation of
METE–technology will be possible only through self-learning. Not a single
public education scheme can provide basic knowledge on bee-family behaviour
as organism, related physiology, not speaking of professional training.
To make the implementation of METE-beekeeping easier through self-learning,
Publishing house "Valgus" has released in this year the book "My honeytree".
Despite to small volume (68 pages) book provides necessary knowledge, basic
requirements and explanations on METE-beekeeping implementation in whichever
region of world, where climatic conditions allow beekeeping.
Also the author explains the causes of modern bee-keeping problems, or are
these easily deductable. Author describes, how to avoid such problems
through METE-technology without extra costs.
Short presentation of "My honetree" by Andres Raava
Redactor's foreword
Andres Raava`s "My honeytree" is not traditsional approach written classical
beekeeping book. writer treat of of honey bee colonies as eqally living
organism, wich consist of supers, honey and biologian part. He leaves
backyards bees, like individually, and treat bee as colony`s one organ.
That kind of treatment beekeepings biologian aspects can argree or not. That
must every reader decide self. On the ground of that, has writer done new
principles, wich are different of traditsional beekeepings owns, suchlike
hive, tecnology and the ground of technology. His beekeeping, right harness,
he promise to get great honey yields and other beekeepings products, with
very small cost of production. Andres Raava`s invention is patented in
Russia, and to use invention necessary technology of beekeeping is patented
in 17 countries.
What do we think about bees, where do we classify them, how we theorize over
them, it does not matter anything for them, but how we near by them, one or
other thing practically do, it is for them important, and for this doing the
react by peculiar way (sickness, very great honey production, big swarming,
In practice beekeeping, I think it is remunerative to proof experiment of
writers invention. His present way to built up hives, is not difficult to
make them self. First couple of hives... . Lets see this things essence, by
own practice activity, what kind of is hive and frames measures, and what is
most important, how can we offer to bees, lived million of years in
nature,they possesion got conditions of life.
Introduction and little about history.
Beginning was easy. Beginning of 70s I noticed, that I need bees for
appletrees pollination. One friend of mine gave to me not typically hive
with bees. This broad chamber frames was 2/3 part and spasing frames 1/3
part of highness what was normally used in Estonia as a standard hives. This
body hive included 10 supers. Beekeeping with that kind of hives was
anywhere written and there was no recipe how to do beekeeping with this
hive. My friend gave to me some information, he had years ago learned
beekeeping. Also I bought H.Talts book "Tegelik mesindus" for at get
beginners information of bees and beekeeping. All others things had to learn
myself. teacher was very good, same colony inside this hive. And I thought
colony liked very much of living in that hive. Anybody of bees did not get
ill, there was not other typically problems wich had other beekeepers, very
well developed and lived colony, when I used for its broadening ,body with
small frames. Litttle by little gath ered experience and notables of bees
I was interested in, what and why, inside hive is happening. My attention
begin to be different, of beekeeping specialists own position and
recommendations. I noticeabled fied that produce of honey is not depent on
beekeepings tecnology and bees race, but number of colonys, and without
producing honey, is colonys exist not possible, and bees excrete beewax and
build honeycombs, not only spring summer time, but also in september.
Beekeeping with that hive, I did not have to use much traditional
beekeepings unavoidable methods. To colonys was not dangerous beginning of
80`s spread Varroa jacobson sicness, very fast I noticed that to use poison
against varroa, I make more harm, that these twenty-thirty varroas make to
hives. Middle of 80`s I had one question, wich I did not understand why I
have not, in these hives, such a kind of problems, as neighbours have with
standard hives?
Year, when started big changes in old USSR "perestroika", I decide to begin
private trader, to produce and sell these hives. So that kind of "strange"
hive would be understandable for consumer, I started spring 86,to keep my
colonies in hives with standard frames. So after two months begame problems,
wich I had earlier not with my own hive and frames. Colonies started
swarming. Did not help to add bodies So I sit one night near colony, wich
wanted to swarm. I watched colony frame by frame, and thinked what`s the
problem? What I can not to do? So I understud, that I can not with standard
frames lying broods to divide vertically and between separate pieces to put
artifact honeycomb bottom, as it was possible with earlier used small body
frames. So then was apple falled on my head. I counted standard frames
honeycombs, so I found, that queens maximum laying eggs occupy cubic-style
brood only sewen frames, ball styled nine to ten frames. That kind of brood
can be broaden only
horisontally, so cross the colonys moving and warms naturally direction.
That`s harmful for colony, Now it was clear, how to start hives construction
and colonies keeping. From G. F Taranov`s book I had studied bee colonys
overactiv condition, and it was years every day naturally phenomenon to me.
To take all togheter what I know, I decide to write article, about hives
construction and colonies keeping bases. I consulted with beekeeping
specalists, and we found that anybody had earlier wrote in this way. What
was this writing essentially " rationalization " or something else, they
could not answer to me, but they quess, that some kind of it was. So I took
beekeepings textbook and my own article, and went to inventors and
rationalizers union, and there experts told to me, it was invention. But
problem was, that in old USSR was private inventors allmost unpossible to
get author`s certificate of technology demain. I got instructions, what to
do next, that avoid inventions too e
arly publishing and to control all possible solutions piece of!
news. I had to explore beekeeping especially all infomation of hive frames.
So long time backwards as possible the key of my beekeeping is supers frame
shape and measures, wich determinates in one supers number of combs. Had to
be sure, that no one had never before written and published of frames with
my measures. When there is not written such a kind of frames, can`t be
written about technology. Without that kind of frames is not possible to use
technology and colonys biologial connection and quality.
Invention of hive aspiration includes description of technology. Reasons
that kind of hives, and hive frames measures limit. When I did not strive
for author`s certificate for technology,could not experts ask for official
endorsement examination of technology. Support to in law fixed fact, in one
aspiration includes two inventions, wich can not be used with out one or
other, they must be togheter, so they changed name of invention, new was:
Way to bee- colonys keeping and hive to achieve it.
Years later, in other countries, where invention was patented, they changed
name again; in side of "Bee colonys keeping" it was "Beekeeping". With it
exists from 2. december 1986, both in beekeeping and vital functions,
essentially, form, and technological, and also results of produce there are
two different beekeeping methods.
My inventions quarantee to take it utilize, was goverment (old Estonian
SSR, Ministry of forest economy and nature protection , department of
Aegviidusky Leskhoz) to take care of and aspire to invention patents in
other countries. That obligation governement did not fill. So in 1988,was
founded co-operative METE, wich took from governement obligations, and USSR
commitee of inventions and discover gave to METE rights to patents in 1989.
Unfortunately forbidden Estonian goverments official authorities to fill
laws and other countries patent rights to give us. It was straightly
hindrance to take invention to use in Estonia and other countries.
At the same time was USSR inventions authory certificate for my invention
patent processing bound, forbiden to expression. So I could not protect my
legally rights trought court against organ of Estonian power, and
departments inactive and distribute of wrong information of my invention.
Some time later 1993-1994, I found that beekeeping-organisations,all-over
the world, was not interested in,about beecolonies illness or to release
other problems in beekeeping and essential evolve of beekeeping, but
organisations was interested only to be "bosses".There are people who want
to use and have information of my invention. I found a publisher wich was
interested in, to publish a book of my founded beekeepings base and
possibilities to use it.
I hope this book give possibilities to understand beecolonys essence and
activity.And they who are interested in ,could to take my invention in
practice use, and to be sure its advantage.Of course it is strange to
reader,because he (or she) is get used generally known opinion,that
beecolonny is only band of wise and intelligent insects.But it can be
something else,and works to be subject to all in the whole universum valid
elementary laws of nature.
Biological fundamentals of METE-beekeeping
1.1. Honey from the point of view of chemistry and metabolism
The author proves that honey is the colony's interim product - the colony's
reserved substance and organic part.
1.2 Thinking differently of bees and honey
The author introduces some hypotheses the authors of which are of the
opinion that a colony is a biological ensemble.
1.3. Honeybee colony as an organism
The author demonstrates that the activity of bees is not just labour
movements of the insects living together as a community. It's an
implementation of physiological processes and metabolism necessary for
colony's existence by the organs of the colony in the form of insects.
1.4. Honeybee colony's (hidden) possibilities
The author explains the correlations between the colony's biological
characteristics and potentials which are not used in practical apiculture
1.5. METE- bee-keeping technology and colony's natural lifestyle
The author demonstrates that during the natural way of life the colony moves
up and down the hollow of the tree and the tree (hollow fee flunk) stands
still. Using METE-technology the colony provisionally stays fixed and the
hive (hollow of the tree) is the one that moves.
1.6. Why colonies get sick?
The author proves that the reason for colonies getting sick is the arousal
of favourable conditions for diseases inside the hive due to unnatural
keeping of bees. He also explains how to use METE-technology to prevent
sicknesses inside the colonies and cure already sick ones without additional
1.7. Mistakes in bee-keeping's breeding
The author explains the fundamental mistake in colonies' breeding basics
these days and describes the damage this kind of breeding has caused to
apiculture. The results of current breeding have destroyed naturally living
colonies at the periphery of bees living area.
1.8. How much is it possible to get more honey and how?
The author explains that using METE-technology it is possible to increase
the production of honey and wax (with better utilization of potential honey
and wax production and decreasing the number of colonies in the bee-garden).
1.9. Colony's wintering and thermoregulation
The author explains how the colony's thermoregulation works, what the amount
of winter feed depends on and on what circumstances the colony is protected
from cold by moisture and vice versa.
2. METE-bee-keeping methods used in practice
2.1. Best hive in METE bee-keeping
The author displays the proportions of the optimum hive, constructive
technical solutions and descriptions for construction together with
arguments to be able to use METE-technology.
2.2. Regular broadening of brood
The author gives advice for using METE-technology in practice.
2.3. Changeover of a bee queen and colony's multiply
The author advises how to carry out the natural changeover of the beequeen
and multiply the colony if necessary while using METE-technology. The author
also states that there is usually no natural multiplying by swarming if
using the technology correctly.
2.4. Wintering of bees
The author explains how to prepare the colonies for wintering using methods
which decrease the potential loss of colonies during wintering due to
unstable conditions. He also gives advice how to adjust the colonies with
unstable wintering conditions.
Bibliography (recommended literature)
Publisher A/S Kirjastus "Valgus", Tulika Street 19, Tallinn, Estonia
A.Raava, "MINU MESIPUU" 68 pages. mesipuu
ISBN 9985-68-104-5
Andres Raava, 2002
Publisher A/S Kirjastus Valgus, 2002
With the help of this book it is possible to put the invented bee-keeping
and the necessary technology into practice. It also gives the reasons to the
problems existing in nowadays apiculture and recommendations to avoid them
in the future.
With best regards, Andres Raava .

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17 Sep 2002 00:00 #20821 por Abeille@031979
Respuesta de Abeille@031979 sobre el tema NEW METE technology publishing
Thank You Andres That is very interesting what you've come up with,and I hope your book sells good.Is this basicly a new frame design that your hives use?

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