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Honeycombes from the chimnee

  • jeffski07
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20 Jun 2009 00:00 #29736 por jeffski07
Honeycombes from the chimnee Publicado por jeffski07
I had to demolish a chimnee occupied by bees for 4 years. I managed to put the queen 3 frames of larve and 3/4 of the bees in a hive and move it 1 km from my home.
Now I'm left with 25 kg of broken honeycombe of honey, larve and some bees. This is put in an alimentary plastic barrel, mixed with debris from the chimnee.
I would like to separate it to have wax and honey. I would put some honey in jars for me and use the rest to feed lhe hive this fall and winter.
How can I do this?
Can I let it melt in the sun, pour off the wax then strain the honey?
Thank you for any idees...Jeff

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  • apix
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20 Jun 2009 00:00 #29737 por apix
Respuesta de apix sobre el tema Honeycombes from the chimnee
Hello jeffski07,
you can separate honey from wax by pressing.
This is the simplest method from my point of view.
Cordially. <IMG SRC=" ">

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Gracias a Foro Kunena

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