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Capping scratchers versus knives..

  • ndirish
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19 Aoû 2002 00:00 #20811 par ndirish
Capping scratchers versus knives.. a été créé par ndirish
Is it true that while knives are easier to use when uncapping comb, capping scratchers don't cause as much damage to the cells and that therefore, bees are able to more quickly reconstitute and fill the cells that are opened with a scratcher?

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  • deelusbybeekeeper
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20 Aoû 2002 00:00 #20812 par deelusbybeekeeper
Réponse de deelusbybeekeeper sur le sujet Capping scratchers versus knives..
You wrote:
Is it true that while knives are easier to use when uncapping comb, capping scratchers don't cause as much damage to the cells and that therefore, bees are able to more quickly reconstitute and fill the cells that are opened with a scratcher?
Depends upon how the cappings scratcher is used. If you rake the cells like I have seen some beekeepers do, you can really damage newly formed comb cells.
However, if you use the scratcher and use it to lift the caps off very little of the walls of the cells are damaged, vs deep cutting with a knife.
Dee A. Lusby

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