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New Wired Foundation - In Small Cell Size

  • deelusbybeekeeper
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17 Nov 2005 00:00 #21584 par deelusbybeekeeper
New Wired Foundation - In Small Cell Size a été créé par deelusbybeekeeper
Posting this to alert all beekeepers that Dadant is now making wired wax foundation in Small Cell 4.9mm sizing along with their regular plain wax Small Cell 4.9mm cut comb foundation.
This sure will save a lot of time and labor for those beekeepers not liking to wire and embed foundation.
Please see copied post below to me from Dadant.
Dee A. Lusby
Small Cell Commercial Beekeeper
Moyza, Arizona Beekeepers
Joe Graham <> wrote:
> From: "Joe Graham" <>
> To: "Dee Lusby" <deelusbybeekeeper@YAHOO.COM>
> Subject: Wired Small Cell Now Available
> Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 10:41:31 -0600
> Hello Dee,
> Just a quick note to let you know we now have 8 1/2 inch
> wired small cell foundation available for beekeepers who
> don't want to wire their own small cell frames. You
> might want to let any small cell beekeepers know who buy
> their own foundation. Thanks
> Best regards,
> Joe Graham
> American Bee Journal
> 51 South 2nd St
> Hamilton IL 62341
> Phone 217-847-3324
> Fax 217-847-3660

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  • deelusbybeekeeper
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27 Jan 2006 00:00 #21585 par deelusbybeekeeper
Réponse de deelusbybeekeeper sur le sujet New Wired Foundation - In Small Cell Size
This is an update to let you know that Dadant will also now be making the 4.9mm crimp wired wax foundation in both medium and deep sizes. Also Dadant will be making a first regression down sizing of 5.1mm in both deep and medium crimp wired foundation for those finding it difficult to make the jump down in one regression and needing two steps down instead of one.

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