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  • TNbeekeeper
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27 Fév 2003 00:00 #20852 par TNbeekeeper
supers? a été créé par TNbeekeeper
Hello yall! I am new to beekeeping and Ive been wondering which style of super you prefer for cut comb honey. Should I use my shallow supers with thin foundation or go up to the medium super size. Should I use a queen excluder to keep her out of the supers? All info appreciated. Thanks a lot.....TN

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  • deelusbybeekeeper
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12 Mar 2003 00:00 #20853 par deelusbybeekeeper
Réponse de deelusbybeekeeper sur le sujet supers?
You wrote:
I am new to beekeeping and Ive been wondering which style of super you prefer for cut comb honey. Should I use my shallow supers with thin foundation or go up to the medium super size. Should I use a queen excluder to keep her out of the supers? All info appreciated.
Depends upon what you are doing for an end product.
1. Using Ross Rounds
2. Using square cut comb containers
3. Using a round or square comb cutter and then what size.
4. If using a cutter then are you packing in containers and just selling cut comb or. . .
5. Are you cutting the comb and putting in a jar and surrounding with liquid honey.
This would all have bearing upon what size frames you would be using.
So exactly what are you doing or intend to to?
Dee A. Lusby

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  • heartbeat91
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15 Juil 2003 00:00 #20854 par heartbeat91
Réponse de heartbeat91 sur le sujet supers?
i prefer to use med. supers with a starter of thin foundation about an inch wide and all the way across the top. this gives a starting place. they will draw a lot of drone cells, but they will be cut out anyway. i leave about 1/4-1/2" at the top when i cut it out. i let them fill a super of drawn comb, then place the cut-comb super on top, before the drawn comb is capped. this is a "barrier" for the queen and she will not go into the cut-comb super.

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