adansonii bee
- Francine Le Masson
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Thank you in advance
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- api42
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About the adansonii bee yon can find some informations in this link
(use google to translate)
Yes it's true the adansonii bee is agressive. But are you obliged to use it ?
[This message has been edited by api42 (edited 21 January 2011).]
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- Francine Le Masson
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Originally posted by api42:
Hi and welcome on this forum !
About the adansonii bee yon can find some informations in this link
(use google to translate)
Yes it's true the adansonii bee is agressive. But are you obliged to use it ?
[This message has been edited by api42 (edited 21 January 2011).]
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- Francine Le Masson
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thanks for such a quick answerOriginally posted by Francine Le Masson:
How can I not work with the adansonii which is the local bee
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- api42
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[This message has been edited by api42 (edited 21 January 2011).]
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- Francine Le Masson
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I think it is easier and safer to work with the local race.Originally posted by api42:
simply by using a softer race, the ligustica for example.
[This message has been edited by api42 (edited 21 January 2011).]
[This message has been edited by Francine Le Masson (edited 21 January 2011).
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- poupelle
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If you use ligustica, you could do the same errors than in Brasil with the killer bees (hybrids between andsoni and ligustica and iberiensis).Originally posted by api42:
simply by using a softer race, the ligustica for example.
[This message has been edited by api42 (edited 21 January 2011).]
So I think it's better to avoid
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- api42
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but keep bees African seems to me dangerous.
Your choice is difficult
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- Francine Le Masson
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Originally posted by api42:
it's true,
but keep bees African seems to me dangerous.
Your choice is difficult
have you ever worked with adansonii bees
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- Francine Le Masson
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Have you ever worked with adansonii bees.Originally posted by Francine Le Masson:
thanks for the site Cameroun, very interesting, I learnt a lot. No problem of translation, I am French.
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- Francine Le Masson
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Thanks for the cameroun site, I learned a lot. No need of translation, I am french
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- apix
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Then speak in French! <IMG SRC=" ">Originally posted by Francine Le Masson:
No need of translation, I am french
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- apix
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- Francine Le Masson
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je reviens à adansonii bee, l'avez-vous expérimentée?
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- apix
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Elle n'est pas encore présente dans le Parc Régional du Gâtinais Français, et c'est très bien comme ça ! <IMG SRC=" ">
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